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April 3, 2012
Posts: 20

PostPosted:     Post subject: What am I?
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So I've been thinking about it recently but I'm a little confused on what to call myself. So far I've always identified myself as a GAY male... However I am very feminine and when I say that it's not exaggeration. I wear make-up and do drag on a regular basis and not just as a "performer" but whenever I FEEL like being a beautiful woman. I wouldn't say I ever revert back to being a "BOY" (by society's standards) but I love being a boy physically. I am attracted to Males of any type may it be cisgendered or trans it doesn't really matter. I guess genderqueer kind of applies but I almost feel like that too wide of an umbrella term. I don't know ahaha... It's so confusing!

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Posted:     Post subject:

`I feel like labels are unnecessarily complicated. Really, if you think about the point of a label, its only purpose is to explain, in some short succinct way, how you want others to treat you and who your attracted to intimately- more specifically, in terms of dating.

First off, if you don't identify as being female exclusively and are fine identifying as male, and you're also attracted to guys (however they come), I'd say you're gay. If you dressing as a female is simply a temporary crossdressing experience, not necessarily a redefining of your gender or identity, then I'd say you're a gay crossdresser.

I don't think your "label" needs to necessarily give away more personal information than that. There's tons of variations in between and to give them all a name would just be silly. At the end of the day, a guy's going to have to get to know you more intimately to really understand and be okay with your personal gender/sexual identification. If the guy seems dissatisfied with your label and isn't willing to go out with you to find deeper clarification, he probably wasn't worth your time anyways.

Just my two cents.

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April 3, 2012
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`That's pretty much the way I feel about the situation also. It's just in the gay community there isn't MUCH opportunity with gay men because most of them are so insecure with femininity. I really appreciate your feedback though it's always nice to get it from every side.

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Posted:     Post subject:

`We live in a culture that is obsessed with labels. Just be yourself and dont worry about labeling it. Life is to short to worry about a label. Just be yourself and be happy. :)

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Posted:     Post subject:

`@ maev i 2 am a little confused of what i am. i identify as male. I'm a straight ftm pre op and 4 now pre "t". 2 society i'm a very masculine "lesbian" due 2 the fact i was born a female and i'm very much attracted 2 women. i use the term 2 describe me "ftm transgender" but honestly i dont like 2 use "transgender" cuz it is an umbrella term that includes alot of different kinds of people from tv, cd, ts, tg ect... so am i transsexual?

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April 3, 2012
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`Yeah Adam, I completely understand where you're coming from. The only reason my label is important is it's easier to date or find someone who will love you for you when you can put yourself in some kind of a category so they can get an idea of what kind of a person you are. I know it sounds crude but in today's hassle and bustle world I have a feeling that labels and keywords are the future of our computer based society.

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December 20, 2010
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adam71 wrote: `@ maev i 2 am a little confused of what i am. i identify as male. I'm a straight ftm pre op and 4 now pre "t". 2 society i'm a very masculine "lesbian" due 2 the fact i was born a female and i'm very much attracted 2 women. i use the term 2 describe me "ftm transgender" but honestly i dont like 2 use "transgender" cuz it is an umbrella term that includes alot of different kinds of people from tv, cd, ts, tg ect... so am i transsexual?

If you identify as a male - as you say, then you are a straight transexual. That is what it means to be transexual.

To me, the OP is a gay crossdresser, because he identifies as male.

I also would love it if labels didn't need to be applied, but alas... we, as human beings, categorize. And certainly on a dating site, those labels are important as identifiers.

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April 3, 2012
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`I appreciate your input also, titles suck period but I guess it's just how human's work! They're afraid of the unknown.

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Posted:     Post subject:

`@ phellum yea bro i know i'm a straight trans man. you dont have 2 b straight 2 b transsexual. there r gay transsexuals. i said i didnt like the term transgender 4 myself because it includes some many different groups of people. you do know there is a difference between transgender and transsexuals

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April 13, 2012
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Posted:     Post subject: to maev and adam

do not confused yourself guys,,,coz what matters is that you are not aggravating other people,if you consider yourself a man or a woman,,then so be it,do not care about what other people think about you,,do not adjust to the society,,let the society understand about your s----lity,,whether u are a ftm or mtf,,it does'nt matter,,be honest to yourself,,and act based on what you believe and what you are comfortable with,,

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Posted:     Post subject: I would say your a beautiful woman

Your image is who you are dont let anyone say otherwise

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November 27, 2012
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`Image is nothing personality and mentality is what matters most. to oversimplify everything and upset everyone yet again allow me to say this: you are your own person. Only you can say who you are. What lies in the heart is what truly matters. What goes on behind closed doors and with who is no one's concern but the participants in the room; it's also irrelevant as the heart desires who the heart desires. You can only deny who you are for so long. Sooner or later we all have to look in the mirror and come to terms with who we are in one way or another.

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October 22, 2012
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`I call myself "Brittney."

That is who I am always.

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